Update 1

We launched a major update this month. We rebranded to URnetwork (https://ur.io) with a new look and app. URnetwork is now free, with a supporter subscription. Our economic model was updated to reflect a new subsidy payout, which is paid to people who provide capacity to the network. We also launched Android TV support. We're building a new type of internet infrastructure, and simplifying the product was an important step.

We made a few changes to the site to streamline our organization:

  • docs.ur.io Documentation backed by the [docs repo] on GitHub.

  • feedback.ur.io Product suggestions and feedback. This is a public site for structured feedback on the product.

  • support@ur.io Support has been moved to email. This simplifies for us, where we may link out to documentation, GitHub issues for bugs or improvements, or feedback for other feedback.

  • our Discord Chat us here about technical or product discussion. This is a way to connect with the team building URnetwork. We're on pretty much every day.

What's next? Update 2 will be focused entirely on iOS and payout improvements.

Last updated


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